Which compiler will Python 2.5 / Windows (Intel) be built with?

Jarek Zgoda jzgoda at o2.usun.pl
Thu Jun 15 12:29:10 EDT 2006

nikie napisał(a):

> If you want to *buy* VS 2003, you could still purchase a 1-year MSDN
> Pro Subscription. The price difference isn't *that* big compared to a
> single-user license of VS, and it automatically includes past VS
> versions (everything from VC++ 6.0 and upwards, IIRC).

This doesn't make building Python exension libraries any easier.

In some cases, you can still build Python extension with MinGW. I didn't
try this with anything more complicated than linking to libxml2, but
still, it's some workaround. Not sure about the performace of such
build, though.

Jarek Zgoda

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