doctest + swig example

Leo leo.uaz at
Wed Jul 26 16:29:30 EDT 2006

Could someone please spare a .i file with an example doctest that
works? I tried as follows and it fails:

1) I have an osi.i file that generates and At the very
end I added:
%pythoncode %{
def _test():
    import doctest

if __name__ == "__main__":

2) I have a testOsi.txt file, whose contents are taken from the output
that works on the terminal, plus some docstring stuff:
>>> import osi
>>> cbc = osi.OsiCbcSolverInterface()
>>> cbc.readMps('stein15.mps') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS, +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE
Coin0001I At line 15 NAME          STEIN15 ...
Coin0008I STEIN15 read with 0 errors

but the result I get is:
File "testOsi.txt", line 15, in testOsi.txt
Failed example:
    cbc.readMps('stein15.mps') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS,
Exception raised:
    Traceback (most recent call last):
      File "/usr/lib/python2.4/", line 1243, in __run
        compileflags, 1) in test.globs
      File "<doctest testOsi.txt[2]>", line 1, in ?
        cbc.readMps('stein15.mps') # doctest: +ELLIPSIS,
      File "/home/leolopes/research/poams/code/swimpy/", line
144, in readMps
        def readMps(*args): return
    NotImplementedError: No matching function for overloaded


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