wxPython and Linux dependencies

Nick Vatamaniuc vatamane at gmail.com
Thu Jul 6 16:08:17 EDT 2006

"cannot get it to work." is pretty broad, you are more likely to get
help if you post an error message or any other details.

diffuser78 at gmail.com wrote:
> Hi,
> I wrote a small app using wxPython on a Linux distro called Ubuntu (it
> is a debain derivative). I ran it on windows and it just worked
> perfectly. Now, when I am trying to install the same app on a different
> Linux Distro (Red Hat Linux) I cannot get it to work. This Red Hat
> variant is a customized version of Red Hat of a Company where I work.
> It uses python 2.3.4.
> I installed wxPython and other dependencies mentioned on
> http://www.wxpython.org/download.php
> Can somebody give me some pointers to get it working .?
> Every help is appreciated.

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