by reference

Martin P. Hellwig mhellwig at
Thu Feb 9 09:08:38 EST 2006

Rene Pijlman wrote:
> dirvine:
>> I would like to create a dictionary based on a variable [...]
> And what seems to be the problem?
I think that this is his problem:

 >>> 'somename'={}
SyntaxError: can't assign to literal

But I'm puzzled why he wants that route, while I'm still pretty new to 
programming, I usually smell a design fault when I want to try to 
squeeze a literal name into a object variable (am I'm saying this 
correct?). Most of the time nesting dictionaries will do the trick for me:

 >>> sharedDict=dict()
 >>> sharedDict['somename']=dict()
 >>> sharedDict['someothername']=dict()
 >>> sharedDict
{'somename': {}, 'someothername': {}}


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