Python for ARM7?

Ken Seehart pythonic at
Tue Sep 13 08:13:47 EDT 2005

Sybren Stuvel wrote:
> Ken Seehart enlightened us with:
>>Hello.  Where might I find python binaries for ARM7 (Linux 2.4)?
> Check
>>If I absolutely have to build my own python, I would probably use a
>>cygwin (or maybe linux) cross-compiler for ARM7, but that seems like a
>>daunting task.
> It is. From the above URL:
> : The build process of Python compiles a core part of it (the parser
> : generator pgen) and tries to execute that later in the build
> : process. This - of course - doesn't work for cross compiling.
> Sybren

Wow thanks!

Two more questions:

1. How do I know whether to use sharprom or modern?

2. What do I do with ipk files?  I surfed around and found that in one 
example, the command is "ipkg install foo.ipk", but ipkg doesn't seem to 
exist on my hardware.

Thanks again!
- Ken

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