Python Doc Problem Example: os.path.split

Antoon Pardon apardon at
Tue Sep 20 03:21:42 EDT 2005

Op 2005-09-19, Diez B. Roggisch schreef <deets at>:
>> split(path)
>> 	returns a pair (dirname,filename), where dirname is the part of path
>> up to the last slash, and filename is the rest of the string after the
>> last slash.
> Bullshit. Slash isn't always the path component delimiter. Get a clue on 
> what you're talking about before suggesting so-called "improvements". 
> And once and for all get it into your head that it's not the purpose of 
> this nor any other documentation effort to precisely fit your 
> nano-tube-narrow mindset.

I think this is unfair. The use of "slash" is a failing of the current
documentation. If his use is an indication of a nano-tube-narrow
mindset then so would be the use by the actual documentation writers.

Antoon Pardon

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