about install wxPython in Redhat Linux AS 4

Martin Franklin mfranklin1 at gatwick.westerngeco.slb.com
Wed Sep 28 05:00:32 EDT 2005

Leo Jay wrote:
> Dear All,
> I'd like to install wxPython in my Redhat AS 4,
> I have downloaded both
> wxPython-common-gtk2-unicode- and 
> wxPython2.6-gtk2-unicode- packages from
> www.wxpython.org.
> After I installed these two packages successfully, what should i do now?
> i tried to import wx in python, but python just returned an error:
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
> ImportError: No module named wx
> Anyone can help me, please?
> Thanks
> --
> Best Regards,
> Leo Jay


I don't have AS 4 but fedora core 4 has wx in it's YUM repositories I 
assume RedHat has too, so perhaps you need to use the officially 
sanctioned version.  If you want to use the latest and greatest then you 
will most likely need to build them from source (which means installing 
the -devel packages for python & GTK)


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