Form Filling in XML

heel_spain_scarlet at heel_spain_scarlet at
Mon Oct 10 20:25:44 EDT 2005

if i have the following chunck of code how can I look at the Text Nodes
of Fillin and compare them with the Element Nodes of Form and if they
are equal put the Text Node of Fillin into the Text Node of Form

ie)<Monday>=Monday so put maandag it between <li> and </li>
so <li>maantag</li>

thanks for the insight

import xml.dom.minidom

form = """
<head> <title> My Sample Web Page </title> </head>
<body bgcolor="white">
What are the weekdays?

fillin = """

For = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(form)  # parse some XML into a DOM
Fill = xml.dom.minidom.parseString(fillin)  # parse some XML into a DOM

def xmlForm(formstr=None, fillinstr=None):

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