yum install python2.4

richardun at gmail.com richardun at gmail.com
Sun Mar 6 01:15:14 EST 2005

My goal is to install python2.4 using yum (wouldn't you know it, it's a
dependency for something else).

>From this page (), I followed the following instructions:
1. ...creat "/etc/yum.repos.d/python24.repo" with the following lines:

name=Fedora Core $releasever - $basearch - Python 2.4

2. Add the KRUD GPG key by running: "rpm --import

3. Install Python 2.4 by running: "yum install python2.4".

This is the output I get after running the yum install line:

Cannot find a package matching python2.4
No actions to take

Now, I've checked two things well, the python24.repo file I created is
just as it is above, except instead of $releasever, I have 3.  This is
because my version would otherwise attempt 3AS here.  And next, I
followed the repository to make sure such a path would have something
there.  It does:  http://www.python.org/ftp/python/2.4/rpms/fedora-3/

So, why the heck doesn't this find python2.4???  These are all the
instructions posted on Python's site to install using yum.  So, what's


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