[ANN] XPN 0.5.0 released

Nemesis nemesis at nowhere.invalid
Mon Jul 25 11:47:13 EDT 2005

Mentre io pensavo ad una intro simpatica "Franz Steinhaeusler"

>>XPN (X Python Newsreader) is a multi-platform newsreader with Unicode
>>support. It is written with Python+GTK. It has features like
>>scoring/actions, X-Face and Face decoding, muting of quoted text,
>>newsrc import/export, find article and search in the body, spoiler
>>char/rot13, random taglines and configurable attribution lines.
> Hello Nemesis,

Hi Franz,

> cool, thank you, I like Xpn.


> Even better would be, if the Application would be written
> in wxPython :)

Hmm, I don't think so, I like pyGTK very much :-D

> Would it be possible to also customize the fonts in the
> groups and threads pane (I'd like to have everywhere proportional
> (monospaced fonts).

Not at the moment, maybe in the future ... but of course if you can't
wait you can modify the source by yourself, the files to modify are
xpn_src/Groups_Pane.py and xpn_src/Threads_Pane.py
just add the line

import pango 

in the both the files, and then:
at the end of Groups_Pane.py add this line (do not change the

        self.groups_list.modify_font(pango.FontDescription("monospace 10"))

at the end of Threads_Pane.py add this line (do not change the

        self.threads_tree.modify_font(pango.FontDescription("monospace 10"))

of course you can change the font description as you like.

First things first, but not necessarily in that order.
 |\ |       |HomePage   : http://nem01.altervista.org
 | \|emesis |XPN (my nr): http://xpn.altervista.org

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