Which Python web framework is most like Ruby on Rails?

Alex Martelli aleax at mail.comcast.net
Thu Dec 15 11:06:09 EST 2005

gene tani <gene.tani at gmail.com> wrote:

> Ben Sizer wrote:
> > Mike Meyer wrote:
> > > [Not sure if this attribution is correct.]
> > > > Alex Martelli wrote:
> > > > Because of course if other languages have 1 or two frameworks, python
> > > > needs a dozen.
> woops, that attribution is absolutely *wrong*, DH said that, sorry Alex

NP, I noticed but decided not to comment, particularly since I roughly
agree with the spirit of DH's comment.  Graham and Norvig, among others,
have often argued that there are parallels between Lisp and Python; the
proliferation of frameworks for a given task, I think, is one of them.
Good thing we have more things "nailed down" in the standard library...
but even then, e.g. with asyncore vs Twisted, there's no holding down a
different [here, better] implementation of similar ideas from emerging
as a third-party framework, anyway.


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