Documentation suggestions

BartlebyScrivener rpdooling at
Tue Dec 6 20:31:12 EST 2005

You are correct about the tutorial. Just try to look at the home page
through the eyes of a curious Windows user who wants to learn
programming and is trying to decide whether to take up Perl, Ruby,
Python, or Visual Basic, let's say.

On the home page, the first link that catches the eye for this user is:
"Beginner's Guide to Programming - <bold> start here if you're new to
programming </bold>." That's me. Click.

Now you are on a page with promising-looking links that all start with
"BeginnersGuide," but the first three are not warm welcomes, they are
housekeeping matters about where you can take courses or how to
download Python for people who don't know whether they want to or not
yet, or there's one that says "examples" which will take you to the
ActiveState Cookbook site so you can get really confused.

Then you hit the link that says "BeginnersGuide/Nonprogrammers" Ah!
That's me. <click>

The first prominent link says: "Python Tutorial" along with a notice at
the top of the page that tells you if you've never programmed before
this is the page for you.

Click on Python Tutorial. Some official business to start off. Then you
see, "Whetting Your Appetite" Ah, I am ready for that. <click>

The first sentence reads:

"If you ever wrote a large shell script, you probably know this
feeling: you'd love to add yet another feature, but it's already so
slow, and so big, and so complicated; or the feature involves a system
call or other function that is only accessible from C ...Usually the
problem at hand isn't serious enough to warrant rewriting the script in
C; perhaps the problem requires variable-length strings or other data
types (like sorted lists of file names) that are easy in the shell but
lots of work to implement in C, or perhaps you're not sufficiently
familiar with C."

Most of the site has been laid out by programmers, for programmers, who
apparently want to keep it that way, based upon what I've seen.

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