register keyevent in wxpython

Chris Mellon arkanes at
Sat Dec 10 00:06:47 EST 2005

On 9 Dec 2005 01:52:27 -0800, ash <ashokagk at> wrote:
> hi,
> is there a way to register application wide hotkey in wxpython?
> i tried wxWindow::RegisterHotKey(). but the problem is it registers the
> hotkey as a system wide hotkey. this causes problems in other
> applications running concurrently which use the same hotkey.
> i want to do this because i want my app frame (a mdi frame) to accept
> the key event and wx.frame accepts only wx.eventCharHook() which raises
> no keyevent for normal alphanumeric keys.
> any ideas??
> thanks in advance for any help.


> --

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