Compiling Guppy-PE extension modules

Claudio Grondi claudio.grondi at
Thu Dec 1 19:19:41 EST 2005

> I have made a new version now, 0.1.1 .
> It compiles cleanly with gcc -pedantic .

but the problem with sets.c remains:

C:\VisualC++NET2003\Vc7\bin\cl.exe /c /nologo /Ox /MD /W3 /G7 /GX
/DNDEBUG -IE:\Python24\include -IE:\Python24\PC /Tcsrc/sets/sets.c
src\sets\sets.c(68) : error C2099: initializer is not a constant
src\sets\sets.c(68) : warning C4047: 'initializing' : 'PyTypeObject *'
differs in levels of indirection from 'NyHeapDef_SizeGetter'
src\sets\sets.c(69) : error C2099: initializer is not a constant
src\sets\sets.c(69) : warning C4028: formal parameter 1 different from
src\sets\sets.c(70) : error C2099: initializer is not a constant
src\sets\sets.c(70) : warning C4047: 'initializing' : 'PyTypeObject *'
differs in levels of indirection from 'int (__cdecl *)(PyObject *)'
src\sets\sets.c(70) : warning C4028: formal parameter 1 different from
src\sets\sets.c(70) : warning C4028: formal parameter 1 different from
error: command 'E:\VisualC++NET2003\Vc7\bin\cl.exe' failed with exit status

The MSDN help gives a simple example of code raising compiler error C2099:
// C2099.c
int j;
int *p;
j = *p;   // C2099, *p is not a constant

The example code shows to me, that there is a good reason  compiler
generates an error in that case.
j = *p; leads to an assignment of a random (and therefore maybe leading to a
non deterministic crash of the executable during runtime) value to a
variable, what can't be intended in a deterministic program.

Hope this helps.


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