up to date books?

Adriaan Renting renting at astron.nl
Thu Aug 18 03:18:12 EDT 2005

I learned Python from the "Learning Python" book that's first on Alessandros list. If you have the Second Edition, that includes coverage for Python 2.3, I think you have quite a nice introductory book.
As a reference book "Python in a Nutshell" and of course the Python documentation itself are quite good.

>>>Alessandro Bottoni <alessandro.bottoni at infinito.it> 08/18/05 9:02 am >>> 
John Salerno wrote: 
>hi all. are there any recommendations for an intro book to python that 
>is up-to-date for the latest version? 
I do not know how much up-to-date they are but I have to suggest you these 
- Learning Python 
By Mark Lutz and David Ascher 
published by O'Reilly 
Most likely the best introductory book on Python 
- Python Cookbook 
By Alex Martelli and David Ascher 
published by O'Reilly 
By far the most useful book on Python after your first week of real use of 
this language 
Also, the fundamental 
- Programming Python (the 2nd edition ONLY) 
By Mark Lutz 
published by O'Reilly 
Is very useful for understanding the most inner details of Python 
>would reading a book from a year or two ago cause me to miss much? 
No. Python did not changed too much since rel. 1.5. You can still use a book 
published in 2001 as a introductory book (as I do). The changes are 
exhaustively described both in the official documentation and in the very 
fine "what's new in..." articles written by Andrew Kuchlin for every new 
release (see www.python.org). 
Alessandro Bottoni 

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