Python or PHP?

Ville Vainio ville at
Sun Apr 24 18:30:05 EDT 2005

>>>>> "John" == John Bokma <postmaster at> writes:

    >> Nah, they aren't slow. They just have to worry about more things than
    >> the Python developers.

    John> Do you have references to this? I would love to see if
    John> indeed 100 Python programmers do implement, say 5 CS tasks
    John> faster compared to 100 Perl programmers, on average.

I am quite sure that given random sample of python and perl
programmers, the python programmers would be faster. Less thinking is
necessarily, no $ chars and generally less punctuation to worry about,
no error handling needed (exceptions take care of it automatically).

I would also venture to guess that random (adult) Python programmers
would be of higher skill level as far as programming in general goes
(know more languages, have a "good taste"...).

Ville Vainio

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