Xah Lee's Unixism

Anne & Lynn Wheeler lynn at garlic.com
Fri Sep 3 19:40:26 EDT 2004

Alan Balmer <albalmer at att.net> writes:
> I don't really know what imagination has to do with the question. I
> can imagine it being carved into 1277 pieces, but won't offer that
> as a meaningful argument.
> Here in Arizona, we recently had a transformer delivered. On a
> 800,000 pound, 280 foot long rig. By highway. No barges involved.
> As for the reference to Hatch, that's exactly what the OP was
> writing about.
> I apologize for not having the time to read and research your
> comments properly, so if it seems that I'm just picking on your
> logic, or lack thereof, you are correct.

my uncle moved houses ... i helped on maybe a dozen or so ...  needed
special permits ... and wide load escorts ... and carefully planned
routes ... frequently for relatively controlled distances. 

if you choose your road routes carefully enuf ... you can miss a lot
of the problems that you would run into moving by train. we had one
route where i was on the peak of the house and had to grab wires over
the side .... lift the wires up to clear the peak and walk the wires
back as the house moved under.

Anne & Lynn Wheeler | http://www.garlic.com/~lynn/

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