
Jeremy Jones zanesdad at
Mon Sep 27 19:30:19 EDT 2004

Istvan Albert wrote:

> Yannick Turgeon wrote:
>> "Simple". What are its limitations? 
> No limitations whatsoever ...  it is "Simple" to use
> :-0
> Istvan.
Simple indeed.  I don't know for sure the reasons for naming it 
"Simple".  But it may have to do with the fact that the out-of-the-box 
SimpleXMLRPCServer will only handle one request at a time: a request 
comes in, the server accepts that request, blocking until the method 
call returns, and the response is sent back to the client.  It does not 
spawn a thread per request.  It does not "select" among multiple 
requests.  It will not create a thread pool for you.  If you want that 
added functionality, you can write a little custom code to get it to 
spawn a thread per request.  A little more code to only spawn n number 
of threads.  A little more code still to create a thread pool.  And if 
you want a server that "select"s among multiple requests, I'm not 100% 
sure, but I bet Twisted has one of those.

But I've got a good bit of confidence in the "SimpleXMLRPCServer."  I've 
written a small modification to spawn a thread per request and am about 
to write a test harness to pound my underlying library to pieces through 
the slightly modified SimpleXMLRPCServer.  I'm hopeful for good results 
- at least in robustness if not performance.



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