Best way to get ip address

Darren Kirby bulliver at
Thu Sep 9 21:07:44 EDT 2004

quoth the John Lenton:
> this is more convoluted, and depends on a third party, but I find it's
> the most reliable way to find out what you seem to be wanting:
>     re.findall('[0-9.]+',
>                urllib.urlopen('').read())[-1]
> there are several apps out there that depend on,
> and it's a published service, so it shouldn't be changing too often.
> HTH.

This is funny. I just spent the last hour putting together this:

    def getIpAddress():
 command = "lynx -dump | awk '/Your/ {print $4}'"
 x = commands.getstatusoutput(command)
 if x[0] != 0:
  ip = ''
  ip = x[1]
 return ip

Same principle, but relies on a third party and two system commands. I think I 
will re-write it to use urllib as in your example.

Thanks everyone for the help...I think I've got it now.


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