Interactive Console for Win32 Application

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Sun Sep 19 05:37:54 EDT 2004

Devrim Erdem wrote:

> I am on win32 with python2.2.
> My python added C++ app is an OpenGL application so there is no real
> GUI code around it. I have built in the python interpreter which works
> very great. I would like to have the opportunity to popup a console
> from my application which has access to the python module which is
> defined and instantiated in my application.
> If I had the time, I would implement a Quake like console. To save
> time, I wanted to check if there is already a way of doing this on
> Windows.

I'll leave it to you to write the code that reads a line from the user, but
once you have that in place, the "code" module provides the rest:


    console = code.InteractiveConsole()

    myconsole = DisplayMyConsole(callback=console.push)
    sys.stdout = myconsole.get_output_handler(WHITE)
    sys.stderr = myconsole.get_output_handler(RED)

(where the callback argument is called whenever the user enters a new
line, and get_output_handler returns a file-like object that prints to the
console window (it must implement a "write" method, but that's about


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