Program that can find a find a file for you ?

Dan Perl danperl at
Wed Sep 29 10:21:19 EDT 2004

You didn't almost do it, you are still very far from it.  The code you've 
written so far is full of mistakes and I'm really not sure even what you are 
trying to do.

Instead of writing the whole program in one shot, try to write just 
something very small, try it, make it work and then add one more small 
thing.  For instance, try to run a script with only the first 5 lines that 
you wrote and you will find a problem already.  Fix that and then add the 
function with only its first statement.  Invoke the function and you will 
find another problem.  Fix that.

And so on.

I'm curious though.  Is this maybe an assignment for a course that you are 


"Peter....." <helten0007 at> wrote in message 
news:415abff2$0$13728$ba624c82 at
> Hi again all.
> I allmost did it, just need the line to run the program now, any ideas, my 
> head hurts, cant think anymore..... Thanks for your help
> import sys
> import os.path
> import os.dir
> a = sys.argv[2]
> b = sys.argv[3]
> def func (bib, end):
>   c = os.path.dirlist(bib)
>   for x in c:
>   d = os.dir.split(x)
>   if [1] = end
>   print (bib, end)
> if __name__=="__main__":
> "Thomas Guettler" <guettli at> wrote in message 
> news:pan.2004. at
>> Am Wed, 29 Sep 2004 11:25:39 +0200 schrieb Peter Hansen:
>>> Greetings.
>>> Im trying to write a program that can be run from the command line.
>>> If I want to search for example after a file with the ending .pdf, I 
>>> should
>>> be able to write in the command line:
>>> python  name of my program / the libary to search and what kind of file 
>>> it
>>> is example a .pdf file
>>> So if my program name was and the library name was library1 and 
>>> the
>>> test type i wanted to find was, a .pdf file
>>> I should write python /library1 .pdf
>> Hi,
>> This is something the "find" command does in a unix environment.
>> Here is my solution:
>> You could use this:
>> your_path 'library1.*\.pdf$'
>> #!/usr/bin/env python
>> # -*- coding: iso-8859-1 -*-
>> # Python Imports
>> import os
>> import re
>> import sys
>> def usage():
>>    print """Usage: %s path regex
>> Print all files or directories with match the regex.
>> See this URL for the syntax of the regular expressions
>>    """ % (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]))
>> def visit(regex, dirname, names):
>>    for name in names:
>>        p=os.path.join(dirname, name)
>>        if
>>            print p
>> def main():
>>    if len(sys.argv)!=3:
>>        usage()
>>        sys.exit(1)
>>    path=sys.argv[1]
>>    regex=sys.argv[2]
>>    os.chdir(path)
>>    regex=re.compile(regex)
>>    os.path.walk(".", visit, regex)
>> if __name__=="__main__":
>>    main()

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