IOERROR Broken Pipe

Steve Holden sholden at
Thu Sep 16 08:53:39 EDT 2004

Ruben wrote:

> I am reading a large text file a chunk at a time using the
> readlines(buffer_size) statement. I get an IOERROR ERRNO 32 Broken
> Pipe command when I "pipe" the output to MYSQL database using the
> following command:
> python | mysql
> I am using RED HAT 9 Linux. The problem only happens if I use the pipe
> to MYSQL. It breaks but it gets to process around 1000 MYSQL
> statements.
> If I only use the following statement:
> python
> The programs runs ok and reads all text records without problems.  I
> do need to sent the pipe to MYSQL so that I can populate a database.
> I tried using the following statement but it still breaks:
>    import signal
>    signal.signal(signal.SIGPIPE, signal.SIG_DFL)
Broken pipe errors normally occur when the consumer (in this case the 
mysql client program) stops reading before the producer (your program) 
stops writing.

I would therefore suspect that there may be a syntax error or similar in 
the SQL your program generates.

Test this by running

python > tmpfile
mysql < tmpfile


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