Xah Lee's Unixism

CBFalconer cbfalconer at yahoo.com
Fri Sep 3 01:03:34 EDT 2004

Alan Balmer wrote:
... snip ...
> Perhaps I'm misinterpreting John Thingstad's remarks, but I was
> mostly objecting to the idea that Linus sat down with a copy of
> the POSIX specifications and turned them into an OS. (Especially
> since not all of the current POSIX standards existed at the time
> :-)

Considering the POSIX standard as a cookbook for an OS makes no
more sense than considering the C99 standard as a cookbook for a C

 "A man who is right every time is not likely to do very much."
                           -- Francis Crick, co-discover of DNA
 "There is nothing more amazing than stupidity in action."
                                             -- Thomas Matthews

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