idiom for debug code? [1/1]

Steve Holden steve at
Sat Oct 2 22:31:02 EDT 2004

Ian Parker wrote:

> I have a module which contains my common functions and I
> import this in every module, plus a wrapper for the debug function:
> import utility
> debug = 0
> def dprint( *args):
>     """
>         print function toggled on or off by module debug variable
>     """
>     global debug
>     if debug:
>         apply(utility._dprint,args)
> This allows me to scatter dprint functions throughout the module instead
> of print statements, and enable or suppress them by setting the global
> 'debug', e.g.
>     def func(x):
>         global total
>         total += x
>         dprint("total is currently",total)
> to get an output of something like:
>     ! in func: total is currently 10

Well, I don't do anything as sophisticated as dprint on the output side, 
and might consider lifting it. But in terms of selecting which debug 
code gets executed I often use something like

	if 3 in debug:

because this makes it easy to selectively turn different bits of debug 
code on or off. Of course the test takes a little longer, but when not 
debugging it doesn't take long to check whether an integer is in an 
empty list.


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