Reimplenting Linux Kernel in Python

Rod Haper rhaper at
Sat Oct 16 12:17:34 EDT 2004

Mike Meyer wrote:
> Grant Edwards <grante at> writes:
>>On 2004-10-15, Mike Meyer <mwm at> wrote:
>>>Grant Edwards <grante at> writes:
>>>>Exactly.  Any number of "low level", statically typed,
>>>>compiled, languages would work equally as well.  Modula-2 (not
>>>>sure about M-3, the GC stuff maybe a bit iffy in a kernel),
>>>>Ada, BLISS, PL/I, Pascal, etc.
>>>Haven't operating systems been written in most of those languages?
>>VMS was mostly in BLISS, I believe.  I think MacOS (and maybe
>>parts of MS-Windows way back when) were written in Pascal.  I'm
>>sure IBM must have written at least one OS in PL/I (whether it
>>escaped into the wild or not, I don't know).  I _think_ Intel
>>wrote iRMX in PL/M (a PL/I derivitive).  I can't think of any
>>OSes written in Modula-[23] off the top of my head.
> DECWRL was heavy into both Modula and new machines/OS's. I'd be
> surprised if they didn't write at least one OS in Modula.
>           <mike

Hermes was a real-time OS written in Modula-2.  The Lilith workstation 
used Modula-2 as the system language but the lowlevel OS was in microcode.

SPIN was a UNIX-like research OS written in Modula-3.  There are 
probably others.

The Oberon OS is written in Oberon the Modula successor.

Operating systems written in the Modula family (including Oberon) tend 
to merge the OS with the application level probably due the influence of 
Wirth's ideas.  They are more like operating environments.


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