should these be fixed for python 2.4?

Robert Kern rkern at
Mon Oct 4 14:44:08 EDT 2004

Alexander Schmolck wrote:


> Anyway, I think this horse has now been beaten to death -- either someone who
> has the power to make inclusions has been convinced by now or it's not gonna
> happen (at least not in the immediate future).

Not necessarily. It *is* unlikely that someone who "has the power to 
make inclusions" is going to pick up on this and write an implementation 
for you. However, (and this is an important feature of Python's 
development) if *you* write an implementation, document it, write unit 
tests for it, and present it to the public and python-dev with a good 
case for its existence, it has a pretty good chance of getting in.

Many (most?) of the active Python core developers don't read with 
any frequency. If you have a feature request, post it to the Sourceforge 
bug tracker[1], preferably with a patch implementing the feature, or 
it's almost certain that no-one will pick it up.


Robert Kern
rkern at

"In the fields of hell where the grass grows high
  Are the graves of dreams allowed to die."
   -- Richard Harter

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