Is there a "Large Scale Python Software Design" ?

Jonathan Ellis jbellis at
Tue Oct 19 10:07:46 EDT 2004

Josiah Carlson wrote:
> Jonathan  Ellis wrote:
> > Wouldn't it have been better to ask these questions BEFORE
> > python as (presumably) a Great Solution?  IMO, as great as python
> > it isn't appropriate for projects that are large and include many
> > developers.
> Having recently released a piece of software with 10k lines of Python
> running in its backend as a core technology, and being paid for it, I
> will say that Python was and is the best tool for the job.  A C
> would have been at least 4-10 times as many lines, and we wouldn't be
> releasing ~3 months after starting with nearly the confidence we are

Heh.  "Large" depends on a lot of things, particularly connectedness,
but I really can't picture 10k being large under any circumstances.

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