teaching OO

Gabriel Zachmann zach at cs.uni-bonn.de
Wed Nov 24 13:42:32 EST 2004

>  I don't think virtual classes (as in inheriting from base classes
>  "virtually" to avoid a certain multiple inheritance problems) is all
>  that important in this single inheritance favouring world.

ah, sorry, i meant "classes with virtual methods" (i.e., classes that have

>  The concept of overloading is easy, you can go one step further by
>  introducing generic functions / multimethods through one of the
>  modules floating around the net.

You mean in Python? (or C++)
Could you give me a pointer to one of those modules?


| There are works which wait,                                             |
| and which one does not understand for a long time; [...]                |
| for the question often arrives a terribly long time after the answer.   |
|                                                         (Oscar Wilde)   |
| zach at cs.uni-bonn.de            __@/'        www.gabrielzachmann.org     |

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