cherrypy/cheetah vs twisted/nevow

Tim Roberts timr at
Tue Nov 9 02:11:14 EST 2004

Charlotte <charlotte at donotspam.invalid> wrote:
>Carlos Ribeiro wrote:
>>  Hi! That was the same reason that got me hooked on CherryPy: it's
>>  simplicity, and the fact that it seemed so 'obvious' to use. 
>Yes, I continue to love it. I wonder why it is not much more used.

Do you expose the CherryPy server directly to the public, or do you run a
proxy through Apache?

I also find CherryPy very natural and easy to understand, but I'm concerned
about deployment issues.  Every site I do has to share the serverspace with
other web apps.
- Tim Roberts, timr at
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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