GUI Frameworks in Python?

Peter Hansen peter at
Tue Mar 30 02:13:16 EST 2004

Hugh Macdonald wrote:

> I've recently been trying out various different GUI frameworks in Python and
> was wondering if I could get your input on the pros and cons of the
> different ones...
> wxPython: I love the programming side of wxPython, but I find it's just so
> slow to initialise in the first place.

I don't understand this, though it's been mentioned before.

On my machine, launching the wxPython Demo app takes roughly 0 seconds
before the splash screen appears, and I can immediately click on it
and get the app itself, for a total launch time of: immeasurably fast.

I would think, given the size of the demo itself, that just about
anything it does should be representative of other apps on the
same machine.

For the record, running WinXP AMD 2200 with adequate RAM etc.

Are these reports of slow wxPython startup only coming from really old
machines or something?


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