Python on Mac OS X doesn't have gdbm

Fortepianissimo fortepianissimo at
Fri Mar 12 14:39:45 EST 2004

fortepianissimo at (Fortepianissimo) wrote in message news:<ef08387c.0403112103.33130dca at>...
> First off I know I can install the latest python from Fink quite
> easily and it'll give me everything needed. But I'm trying to
> distribute my python app to end users who don't really care (or know)
> anything about Fink.
> The default Python on Mac OS X is 2.3 but doesn't come with gdbm. Did
> anyone try to get the source of gdbm and build it, and somehow built
> the gdbm module for Python on Mac OS X? If so could you share a few
> hints? It'll save me lots of time trying.
> Thanks!

Just a follow-up on what I did to sort of solve this problem. I simply
copied and the necessary libgdbm* files from Fink to another
directory, and used install_name_tool to change the dynamic library
path inside And it worked...

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