SMS with python

Paul Boddie paul at
Thu Mar 25 03:56:13 EST 2004

"Michael G. A. Sung" <aisung at> wrote in message news:<mailman.311.1080093619.742.python-list at>...
> Anyone know how I can sent SMS with python script from desktop with a 
> GSM phone attached let say a SE P900?

Having recently got into modern mobile telephony myself (SE T610),
it's tempting to look into something like this:

So far, with respect to Linux and mobile 'phones, at least, I've had
most success with the OpenOBEX application ircp. Meanwhile, obexftp
just acts in a highly cryptic fashion, whilst gnokii seems to talk to
the 'phone but doesn't understand how to get what it's looking for.
It's tempting to look into a Python wrapper for OpenOBEX, but the most
recent attempt at this seems to be somewhat dated:


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