Mozilla, XUL and the snake

Jakub Fast kfast at
Sun Jun 20 14:40:51 EDT 2004


Does anybody know how far you can get nowadays with trying to use Python 
as the script language for XUL instead of JS? Is it possible (even 
theoretically) to write full-fledged applications on the Mozilla 
platform with python only?

In a parallel vein, anybody know what the architecture of Komodo is?

Thanks for any pointers, information, etc


PS. Yes, I have seen the recently-publicized wishlist for Mozilla 2 and 
I have tried to run MozPython in M1.7 or F0.9, and failed miserably. I 
have been trying to dig through the Mozilla docs to find anything I 
could infer this information from, but it seems that the amount of 
mozilla docs that "might contain some hidden clues" piling up in front 
of me is neverending...

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