Proposal: function which simulates C ?: operator

Mel Wilson mwilson at
Sun Jul 11 08:58:14 EDT 2004

In article <1388851004.20040711153354 at>,
Adal Chiriliuc <me at> wrote:
>I think a function similar to the one below should be added to the
>builtin module:
>def boolselect(condition, trueresult, falseresult):
>    if condition:
>        return trueresult
>    else:
>        return falseresult
>[ ... ]
>What do you think?
>PS: maybe a better name than boolselect could be found.

   Some poeple might be disturbed by what it would do with

this_line = boolselect (dummy_flag, "Dummy line\n", infile.readline())

   Side-effects are the main reason that a simple function
can't generally replace a full conditional ternary operator.
See google for the ternary operator debate, and see the other
discussion in clp right now.

        Regards.        Mel.

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