wxPython worries

James Goldwater james at eccehomo.co.uk
Wed Jan 14 16:41:26 EST 2004

It's not the RADdish-ness (is that a word?) - drag'n'drop, property 
assignment etc - that concerns me, it's the ease of gui building - by 
hand is fine (oh how I've come to 'love' Java's layout managers...)

Custom controls is the biggie then. I think I'll have a punt at building 
a custom control in wxPython to see if it's even feasible.  Anybody want 
an arbitrary-angled triangular-wedge button?  (My first custom control 
in Delphi version 1, all those years back...)

PT wrote:
>>What worries me is wxPython: 
>>I'm also 
>>unclear as to how easy custom controls are to build.
> None of the Python GUI toolkits support making good custom controls as
> well as Java and .NET do.  TKinter is probably the best Python option
> for that.  If you are comfortable with Windows programming though,
> wxPython will not be too difficult.
>>Am I just being confused by my newbie-ness, or are my initial concerns 
>>justified?  What's anybody else's experiences with gui programming in 
>>wxPython like vs a RAD like Delphi or .NET?
> If you want something similar to Delphi or .NET, then you would
> probably like QT Designer much better than the wx options.  See
> BlackAdder (Win, $$) or eric3 (Linux, free):
> http://www.thekompany.com/products/blackadder/
> http://www.die-offenbachs.de/detlev/eric3.html
> If money isn't an issue though, just stick with Visual Studio and C#
> and let the other guy do most of the work.

James Goldwater
I.T. Consultant
020 8949 7927 (mobile 078 999 55 265)

GPG Key: A2137B98 (pgp.mit.edu)

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