Create linear spaced vector?

John Hunter jdhunter at
Fri Dec 17 14:10:08 EST 2004

>>>>> "kjm" == kjm  <kjmacken at> writes:

    kjm> Hi Everyone, I am trying to port some old MatLab code to
    kjm> python, and am stuck on how to accomplish something.

    kjm> I am trying to write a generalized function that will create
    kjm> a linearly spaced vector, given the start and end point, and
    kjm> the number of entries wanted.

    kjm> In MatLab I have this function that I wrote:

    kjm> [code]

    kjm> function out = linearspace(x1,x2,n)

in matlab the builtin function to accomplish this is "linspace"

The python package matplotlib defines a host of matlab compatible
functions, including linspace

def linspace(xmin, xmax, N):
   if N==1: return xmax
   dx = (xmax-xmin)/(N-1)
   return xmin + dx*arange(N)

Note that matplotlib extends the Numeric/numarray core of matlab
compatible functions (defined in MLab) to include plotting functions

A listing of matlab compatible functions is provided at


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