Global variables and modules

Binu K S binux.lists at
Fri Dec 24 01:16:25 EST 2004

Add these lines to and see what you get:
import test2
print 'test2.glbl postinc   ', test2.glbl

This will work as you expect.

Next try chaning glbl in test2 to a list (a mutable type).
glbl = [25]

def inc_glbl():
	global glbl
	glbl[0] = glbl[0] + 1

def get_glbl():
	global glbl
	return glbl[0]
from test2 import glbl, inc_glbl, get_glbl

print 'glbl orig      ', glbl[0]

print 'glbl postinc   ', glbl[0]

new = get_glbl()
print 'glbl from func ', new

import test2
print 'test2.glbl postinc   ', test2.glbl

[kbinu at localhost kbinu]$ python2.2 
glbl orig       25
glbl postinc    26
glbl from func  26
test2.glbl postinc    [26]

On 23 Dec 2004 21:43:40 -0800, dkeeney at
<dkeeney at> wrote:
> I have a newby type question on how global variables work between
> modules.
> I have a module that defines a global variable as well as two
> functions to operate on that variable.  A script imports the
> three names and prints out values of the global between operations, and
> the results aren't what I expected.
> Here is the module,
> ------------------------------------
> glbl = 25
> def inc_glbl():
> global glbl
> glbl += 1
> def get_glbl():
> global glbl
> return glbl
> ------------------------------------
> and here is the test script,
> -------------------------------------
> from test2 import glbl, inc_glbl, get_glbl
> print 'glbl orig      ', glbl
> inc_glbl()
> print 'glbl postinc   ', glbl
> new = get_glbl()
> print 'glbl from func ', new
> --------------------------------------
> I would expect the three values to be ( 25, 26, 26 ), but what I get is
> c:\projects\pitcher_model>
> glbl orig       25
> glbl postinc    25
> glbl from func  26
> ---------
> It seems that the references to 'glbl' are seeing a local copy, rather
> than the original.  This is not what the literature says should be
> happening.  I am looking for a way to share data between modules.  Can
> you advise me on my error?  I am using Python 2.3.2 from ActiveState,
> on Windows XP Pro.
> Thank you
> David
> --

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