MySQLdb & Python 2.4 on Windows

Steve Holden steve at
Mon Dec 20 05:13:43 EST 2004

Fredrik Lundh wrote:

> Matthias Verniers wrote:
>>2. Is it possible to use Python 2.4 & 2.3 next to each other without conflicts?
> yes, assuming "next to each other" means "on the same machine".
> but binary extensions are bound to the Python version they were built
> for; you cannot use a 2.3 extension with 2.4 on windows.
Using the recently-publicized methods for the using the freely-available 
(i.e. costless) Microsoft tool chain I managed to create a Windows 
installer for MySQLdb-1.1.4.

If anyone's interested in this I guess I could post it on a web site 
and/or let Andy Dustman have a copy.

[pauses to check that the module actually imports and works ...]

Yep, works fine for a small test ;-) so I'm mailing it to Andy next 
thing I do.

Steve Holden     
Python Web Programming
Holden Web LLC      +1 703 861 4237  +1 800 494 3119

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