not able to link ucdsnmp and snmpy

muttu muttu2244 at
Mon Dec 6 02:45:41 EST 2004

hi there

i am trying to build snmpy over ucdsnmp and i am facing the problem in
linking of ucdsnmp and snmpy *.so files.
i am sending the steps what i have done till now

i build the ucdsnmp first in the following order
    a) ./configure
    b) make 
    c) make install

  after i did all these libsnmp.a , and some other *.so
files got created in the /usr/local/lib

Then i built the snmpy-alpha-4 in the follwing order
   i ran the build
 so it created the 

which i am not sure whether it has got linked with ucdsnmp or not.

Now with my python script when i try to import this snmpy am getting
the following error.
ImportError: /usr/local/lib/python2.4/site-packages/
undefined symbol: get_symbol

but when i saw the code , get_symbol function is defined in mib.c of
ucdsnmp,and  being called in snmpymodule.c of snmpy-alpha-4, but still
its giving undefined symbol.
Now is it because it hasnt got linked with the's
or is it because of some other problem.
please help me in this.
thanks in advance

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