Boo who? (was Re: newbie question)

Luis M. Gonzalez luismgz at
Sun Dec 19 19:53:05 EST 2004

> Why?  If it's virtually identical, why would anyone bother even
> visiting that site?  ;-)
> But I suspect you mean that the syntax of the language is virtually
> identical, while probably there are some significant differences.
> Maybe in the richness of its standard library?  Or the size of
> its community?  Or something else....

The difference is that it runs on the .NET frmework (and Mono).
So instead of using the python standard libraries, you use the .NET
Regarding its syntax, it is very similar to Python. However the
language is statically typed, not dynamic.
Anyway, you don't have to declare types too often, because it uses a
very good type inference system.
For all those reasons, Boo has very good performance.
In theory, it's performance is equal to C# or any other .NET compliant
language, but it is still in phase of development (although quite
usable for many tasks).

So I guess it has many characteristics that make it a very interesting
language for any python fan. And for those concerned with speed and
performance, it is god send.

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