about presicion

Mensanator mensanator at aol.compost
Sun Aug 29 04:16:30 EDT 2004

>Subject: Re: about presicion
>From: Peter Hansen peter at engcorp.com 
>Date: 8/28/04 10:31 PM Central Daylight Time
>Message-id: <JN6dnW6HuNiU06zcRVn-pA at powergate.ca>
>Ali wrote:
>> The decimal module comes with python 2.4? I have 2.3, :(, what do I do?
>The obvious answer is, well, obvious.  The real question is
>what's stopping you from upgrading?

I just tried it and found out it's not compatible with gmpy.
Of course, I wouldn't need gmpy to get big floats, but I
would then lose all the math functions like linear congruence
and modular inverse that my programs depend on.

So I, for one, will have to wait for the rest of the world to 
catch up to 2.4.


Ace of Clubs

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