[PIL] about the difference between pudata and putpixel

Kylotan kylotan at hotmail.com
Sun Aug 29 10:37:37 EDT 2004

Hillairet Julien <jh at nospam.com> wrote in message news:<pan.2004. at nospam.com>...

> Although, this code doesn't work:
> im.putdata(color)
> There is no error message, but the image's pixels stay black (0) ! (The
> color matrix is not an 0-matrix !)
> Is someone can explain me my misunderstanding of putdata ?

I think the misunderstanding is of numarray. I'm guessing that
iterating through a 2D array returns individual rows rather than
individual elements.

I've never used numarray before but from looking at the documentation,
you could try this:




Ben Sizer

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