voting method flawed? [Re: Alternative decorator syntax decision]

Doug Holton insert at
Fri Aug 20 11:00:11 EDT 2004

Paul McGuire wrote:
> I would propose a multivote survey: each poster gets 3 votes among the
> lettered choices on the Wiki page above.  You can use all 3 for a single
> option, or split them across 2 or 3 options if you are open to more than
> one.
> My vote is:  J2  J2  C1

I've heard of different voting methods like ranking your top choices, 
but I've never heard of this one.  It appears that if someone is open 
minded about more than one option, their opinion counts *less* that 
someone who is doggedly determined about one particular syntax.  They 
get three votes while you get one.  That doesn't seem fair or the best 
way to determine a community favorite.

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