Python OS

Peter Maas peter.maas at
Tue Apr 13 05:35:00 EDT 2004

A Evans wrote:
> I have a question concerning the development of Python Based Operating
> System. You see I have had sort of a dream to develop an Open Source
> Operating System that would revolutionize the OS market and Since I started
> using Python I have fallen in love with the language.

The first step would probably be to define a Python OS. Surely no
CPU speaks Python :) so this is a level where you have to use
machine language. A viable definition could be an OS whose high
level functions are provided by Python scripts.

You could start with e.g. and write all
scripts in Python. Twisted ( would probably
fit well to such a project because it provides a lot of network
services. I have no idea how deep you can go but I think that a
lot of C in between is necessary.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,

Peter Maas

Peter Maas, M+R Infosysteme, D-52070 Aachen, Hubert-Wienen-Str. 24
Tel +49-241-93878-0 Fax +49-241-93878-20 eMail peter.maas at

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