Sound, time and platform issues

Thomas Heller theller at
Wed Sep 17 15:07:12 EDT 2003

anton muhin <antonmuhin.REMOVE.ME.FOR.REAL.MAIL at> writes:

> Hello everybody!
> I need advice and expertise of the community for the following problem.
> I'm going to make a psycholinguistic experiment. In this experiment
> the auditor is asked to listen to some text and to press the button
> when some event occurs. I need to find out reaction time on different
> inputs and, therefore, I need 1) rather accurate (or, at least,
> constantly biased) estimates for the moment the button was pressed,
> and 2) "real-time" sound playing.
> Googling finds out several Python toolkits for dealing with sound, but
> they are for Linux, not Windows.
> Therefore questions:
> 1. Does anybody know about Python tools that might help to solve the
> problem above for Windows?

The winsound module included with Python? It allows playing wav files.
And time.clock() will provide accurate timing, AFAIK.


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