Newbie: Functions and class

Shu-Hsien Sheu sheu at
Fri Oct 31 10:30:58 EST 2003

Dear Kef,

I can totally understand the following. However, I cannot see clearly 
how this is similiar to the self assignment?

>If you don't understand, it's the same reason this doesn't work:
>x = 2
>y = x
>x = 3
>if x == y:
>  print 'Hello world'
>  # Why doesn't this print?

Dear Alex,

I think I can see your point. So, we can gerenally say that, only 
instances of a class can have assignments; Class name are only a 
"reference" thing and doesn't have any "exact" values bind to it. Sorry 
my wording might be wrong, but it's the best that I could think of.



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