Using RestrictedPython

Evan Simpson evan at
Mon Oct 6 10:54:05 EDT 2003

Rasjid Wilcox wrote:
> Below is my test program.  Am I doing this the right way?

Well, you've got the basics of compiling and executing the compiled 
code.  What you need to understand about RestrictedPython, though, is 
that while it provides the raw material for restricted execution, you 
need to supply a policy implementation.  You hook up your implementation 
by providing a set of specially named objects in the global dict that 
you use for execution of code. Specifically:

1. "_print_" is a callable object that returns a handler for print 
statements.  This handler must have a 'write()' method that accepts a 
single string argument, and must return a string when called. The 
PrintCollector module has an implementation.

2. "_write_" is a guard function taking a single argument.  If the 
object passed to it may be written to, it should be returned, otherwise 
the guard function should raise an exception.

3. "_getattr_" and "_getitem_" are guard functions, each of which takes 
two arguments.  The first is the base object to be accessed, while the 
second is the attribute name or item index that will be read.  The guard 
function should return the attribute or subitem, or raise an exception.

4. "__import__" is the normal Python import hook, and should be used to 
control access to Python packages and modules.

5. "__builtins__" is the normal Python builtins dictionary, which should 
be weeded down to a set that cannot be used to get around your 
restrictions.  A usable "safe" set is in the Guards module.

To help illustrate how this works under the covers, here's an example 
function along with (sort of) how it looks after restricted compilation:

   def f(x): = + x[0]
     print x
     return printed

   def f(x):
     # Make local variables from globals.
     _print = _print_()
     _write = _write_
     _getattr = _getattr_
     _getitem = _getitem_
     _write(x).foo = _getattr(x, 'foo') + _getitem(x, 0)
     print >>_print, x
     return _print()


Evan @ 4-am

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