Why don't people like lisp?

Jim Newton jimka at rdrop.com
Wed Oct 22 18:42:25 EDT 2003

Perhaps lisp is not so well-liked is because there are not enough
standard libraries available.  Perl has the CPAN libraries that
you can simply download and use.  I've heard the Python also
has a huge number of such libraries.  But if i want a lisp-tk
CLOS library, i'd have to write it myself, or lisp-DOM, or
lisp-cvs, or lisp-mySQL.

On this note, has anyone ever heard of openAccess or openEDA?

it's an open source database for dealing with EDA design
data.  Currently there is a C++ interface and Python.
At Tcl interface is either here on on its way.

In my opinion a CLOS library would be much easier to use
than any of the other, if it existed.  But what i've decided
to do in the mean time is to start from scratch learing

The C++ standard API is open, and well documented.  Does
anyone volunteer to start such a openAcces --> CLOS


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