ANN: ActivePython 2.3.2 & ActivePython 2.2.3

Thomas Heller theller at
Mon Nov 3 16:36:16 EST 2003

"Mark Hammond" <mhammond at> writes:

> FYI, my short-ish term plans with win32all are to:
> * Enhance Thomas's distutils build script, and make that the "official" way
> to build and install sources (that holds the best hope for managing multiple
> Python versions at once from one source tree)

Yes, it's much easier to enter 'python build' for each Python
version you need than to fire up MSDev, set the paths, build, and so on.

> * Drop all registry stuff, using a few .pth files

One .pth file is probably enough.

> * Re-do the setup script using inno.

Just curious: are you missing something in bdist_wininst (except for the
ability to install system files)?


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