Flying With Python (Strong versus Weak Typing)

Gerhard Häring gerhard.haering at
Tue Mar 11 09:15:22 EST 2003

Chermside, Michael <mchermside at> wrote:
> Hasoob ahs writes:
>> I would like to hear from other Python programmers [whether they'd fly in
>> a python-controlled airplane].
>> Would you be comfortable?. Your answer may help me decide between
>> strong and weak typing. I prefer an answer of yes or no followed by an
>> explanation.
> Hasoob, I hope the following helps answer your question.
> I prefer (I think) strong (ie, explicit) typing.
> I'm a BIG Python fan.
> The reason that I prefer strong typing is that I tend to think about
> the type of the object that I pass around. I like to have the compiler
> know what types I'm using because it's something that _I_ as the
> programmer knows. In a way, it's kind of like python's use of
> indentation... since the programmer uses indentation (even in Java or
> C), the compiler should also!
> HOWEVER, after working with Python for a time, I have learned that
> there are a few major DRAWBACKS to strong typing (as usually
> implemented), and that the ADVANTAGES are far less than most believe.
> (1) The first drawback is FAR too much typing, particularly of redundant
> information! I don't mind the typing itself, but the huge amount of
> text needed to declare every type every place can obscure the actual
> code (and easier-to-read code is better code!). Consider these:
>      // Java example
>      public int countBlueWidgets(List widgets, int min, int max) {
>          Iterator iter = widgets.iterator();
>          int i = 0;
>          while (iter.hasNext() && i < min) {
>              i++;
>    ;
>          }
>          int count = 0;
>          while (iter.hasNext() && i < max) {
>              i++;
>              Widget w = (Widget);
>              if (w.isBlue()) {
>                  count++;
>              }
>          }
>          return count;
>      }
>      # Example in Python
>      #  assumes java-style iterator for consistency (perhaps it's in jython?)
>      def countBlueWidgets(widgets, min, max):
>          iter = widgets.iterator()
>          i = 0
>          while iter.hasNext() and i < min:
>              i += 1
>          count = 0
>          while iter.hasNext() and i < min:
>              i += 1
>              w =
>              if w.isBlue():
>                  count += 1
>          return count

Or even:

    def countBlueWidgets(widgets, min, max):
        count = 0
        for w in widgets[min:max]:
            if w.isBlue():
                count += 1
        return count

*Way* clearer IMO. And all because Python supports slicing in the language

Btw. my pet-peeve in Java is the lack of Ada-like generics, so that in order to
avoid casting like hell as you did above, you have to implement your own
iterator class for each time.

-- Gerhard

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